Looking along the west side of Circular Quay from the International Passenger Terminal to the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
- Aperture: ƒ/2.8
- Camera: PENTAX Optio A20
- Focal length: 7.9mm
- ISO: 200
Looking along the west side of Circular Quay from the International Passenger Terminal to the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
The figurehead from HMVS Nelson, previously the HMS Nelson built in 1814, and named in honour of Admiral Horatio Nelson.
One of the anchors from HMS Sirius. HMS Sirius was the flagship of the First Fleet, the ships that brought the first European settlers to Australia. She was wrecked on Norfolk Island while landing supplies in 1790.
Looking across Darling Harbour to the Sealife Sydney Aquarium and the AMP Sydney Tower.
Looking across Circular Quay with the QE2 berthed at the International Passenger Terminal to the Sydney Opera House.
The QE2 berthed at the International Passenger Terminal in Circular Quay, next to the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Me and Dad pose in front of the QE2, Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth 2.
Queen Elizabeth 2 is pushed in to the International Passenger Terminal in Circular Quay.
The QE2 is pushed into the International Passenger Terminal at Circular Quay.
Queen Elizabeth 2 steams past the Sydney Opera House on the way to the International Passenger Terminal.
Pretty much a close-up view of Two Queens Crossing. This gives you an idea of the differences between an ocean liner (QE2 on the left) and a cruise ship (Queen Victoria on the right).
A flotilla gathered to watch the crossing of two Cunard Queens – the Queen Elizabeth 2 and the Queen Victoria.